Friday, 5 November 2010

pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure.

Yesterday we had a school meeting for the 'elite' people in our year... (such bullshit because whilst looking around I spotted quite a few retards) which was preparing us for our interview at Oxford/Cambridge. Like why would we need that when we're just at the start of year 11 and havn't begun to think about Uni let alone getting ready for our interviews and them.

To be honest I don't really mind the meetings because it's just the school being pushy as per usual. But the thing that bugs me is they convince your parents that they're not putting enough pressure on you (which in my case they definately are) and so mine are now having me prepare a revision timetable as adviced. Normally when people tell me that they're not going to go to Askes sixth form I can never understand why, but it's times like these that are great eye openers. Or at least, that's my posotive spin on the matter.
