happy halloween boys and girls!
I'm sitting in my bed after a long scrub at my face to try and get my cruela deville makeup off. It feels good to not have layers of makeup caked onto my face, I could never hack being one of those girls who wear heavy foundation on a day to day basis, it makes me feel... almost claustrophobic having something clogging up my face like that, and for those who know me well will know that any form of grease near my face makes me want to die and start welling up with tears.
Halloween used to be a happy safe environment where strangers would be happy for you to knock on their doors and take sweets. However these days it the harshness of reality is becoming quite apparent. I realised this as I was sitting on the bus, wig, furcoat and all when an egg was thrown at the open bus window and seeped through onto us. And, once we'd gotten off the bus rotten egg stink bombs were thrown at us. Most of us took it in good heart and found it quite funny, wheras Bella (the old blogger for this) was traumatised by the whole experience and darted home to watch a bit of X Factor instead.
So seeing as that's what happens on Halloween these days we started to join in and managed to throw quite a few eggs at some 484's and set off some fireworks. God, if I'd seen myself 8 years ago (the girl who cried for a week when someone had smashed my pumpkin) I would've been ashamed. So I make it a rule to myself that vandilism on Halloween is okay, so long as it doesn't come in contact with little kids.
Back to school tomorow. Better go to bed even though I don't feel tired in the sliggghhhtest.