Friday 8 July 2011

check it
been doing a journalism course at Goldsmiths.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Holy crap I've seriously neglected my blog.
Here's an interesting little story for ya though...
I live in New Cross (as I'm sure I have stated numerous times on my blog) and it is quite an interesting and quirky place. The combination of the strange community of Telegraph Hill and the Arty University Goldsmiths makes it a very flamboyant community. Therefore, last Saturday night I cannot say I was entirely suprised when I caught wind of the Awesome Party Day of the year that was practically my next door neighbours. Everyone was welcome. I spent all day in my room revising and from my open window I could hear all sorts of really talented bands. So I decided at about 10 to attend.

It was hard to miss. Outside the front door was a HUGE blue banner. Then you walked to a garden corridor which was lighted up blue and had various pieces of material hanging from the top, making you feel slightly bewildered and you're in. Suddenly we found ourselves surrounded by people in very interesting and signiture pieces of clothing crowded around a stage. When we got a bit closer I realised on the stage was the lead singer from my favourite Goldsmiths band  - 'La Shark' was singing whilst balancing on two ropes hung across the stage. He continued to dangle off of them and pull himself along whilst singing, creating quite a spectacle.

Then suddenly my friend grabbed me and brought me over to see someone. IT WAS A TEACHER FROM MY SCHOOL. As he said it was 'so sooo surreal'. He used to be a goldsmither himself and was reliving the Uni experience I suppose. Time to let the younger generation take over I think.

Also! Another weird thing... the hand soap was teatree with a 'coal tar fragrance'. COAL TAR?

weird weird weird
such a rush that english literature is done n dusted

5 down. 7 to go. cmon cmon cmon

Saturday 21 May 2011

Just got a pretty hard blow. My band that has been together for four and a half years is breaking up. We have all lost a bit of heart in it the past few months and it was inevitable seeing as Henry is going to University next year. However, I can't help but be shaken by the whole thing. The end of an era.

It was only recently that my radio show was also taken away from me, not due to my talent but due to difficulties with THE MAN. So... currently I have to say I feel incredibly disheartened and sad that everything special of mine, which made me such an individual, has gone.

Goodbye Shiva. Goodbye Gold Soundz. Goodbye me.

waiting for godot

Sunday 3 April 2011

Although there is a lot to experience out there perhaps my last post is a bit close minded. People have the right to choose what they like and what they listen to, and although it is not always my cup of tea that's okay. There's a reason why so many people love the music in the charts, because obviously it wouldn't be in the charts if they didn't. It's catchy and fun and unlike bands such as Animal Collective or Pavement it is loveable on the first listen and doesn't require hours of time of dedication until you discover the songs are amazing, they're instant.

But I must say this: Anyone who is going to Reading 2011 and don't know the bands. Find the time to listen to them. Because it will make the whole weekend so much more meaningful, as if your whole life was falling into place.

Monday 21 March 2011

Do all people care about these days is what happened on Glee this week?
Sure, I know a lot of people who this isn't relavent to, but I feel myself locked in a sea of people who frankly don't give a fuck. About anything.
It infuriates me that there's so much out there to hear and see and at this age they can't love anything that isn't shoved right infront of them like a new, disguistingly commercial, regurgitated pop song which will Capital FM for the next month.

I don't know what it is about me but I find myself taking personal offence when people say they hate something. Like Reading Festival for example, Reading 2010 was the best weekend of my life and now people are bitching and moaning about the Reading 2011 lineup. When in actual fact there are a lot of great acts on there (The Strokes, Pulp, The Horrors, Crystal Castles, Warpaint, Ofwgkta, Friendly Fires etc). But none of them have opened there eyes to have even heard of those names.

I want to let go and not be moody and protective and weird about the whole thing. But I know tomorow in school won't be pretty.

Monday 24 January 2011

nightime flash

So after a night at the Golden Anchor, or as some like to call it Yardi Pub, Mollie, Eloise, Robyn and I were walking home through Telegraph Hill when we came across a rather unusual sight. A man was jogging along Musgrove road in a jumper and nothing else so Eloise decided to yell 'OI NO PANTS!' which probably wasn't the most intelligent thing to do but when you're drunk these things don't occur to you. So he turned around, lifted up his jumper and spread his legs, showing us a full sighting of all his... business. Of course we ran away, scared of god knows what was going to happen next. I'm shocked that New Cross actually has a local flasher, and the funny thing was he just seemed to be casually jogging.

Then the next day, whilst telling some friends about our new story they didn't seem too suprised, or as you would have liked with a story like this, because apparently he's refered to as 'naked jerningham road man'. I actually have a flasher on my street, and by the sounds of it I'll probably be seeing him again.

Monday 22 November 2010

I'm tired of moaning on my blog.. the only time these days I get spurred on to write is when I'm pissed off. But now I'm currently lying in my bed, having watched an episode of 90210 series 1 and feeling very content. I advise it.. and if you're a boy I dunno go watch some sort of fighting show online? Or am I being reaaally stereotypical? Not that I care.. I do know lots of boys aren't like that my friend Rory for instance, not sure about these days but he used to watch an unreal amount of Disney Channel shows.. but cmon we all did. Hannah Montana is actually kind of sick, except the newer episodes her teeth are kind of fucked and her gums are like a mile long.

All you Askeans WALK OUT WEDNESDAY! Gunna be jokes. Stop the cuts mayyyn. Keep listenin' to Gold Soundz

Friday 5 November 2010

pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure.

Yesterday we had a school meeting for the 'elite' people in our year... (such bullshit because whilst looking around I spotted quite a few retards) which was preparing us for our interview at Oxford/Cambridge. Like why would we need that when we're just at the start of year 11 and havn't begun to think about Uni let alone getting ready for our interviews and them.

To be honest I don't really mind the meetings because it's just the school being pushy as per usual. But the thing that bugs me is they convince your parents that they're not putting enough pressure on you (which in my case they definately are) and so mine are now having me prepare a revision timetable as adviced. Normally when people tell me that they're not going to go to Askes sixth form I can never understand why, but it's times like these that are great eye openers. Or at least, that's my posotive spin on the matter.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Last week I did the pilot for my new radio show 'Gold Soundz' so have a listen!
If for some reason your computer doesn't let you play it go to itunes and you can download it as a podcast for FREE! And who doesn't like free stuff???
